British Values
As a childcare provider we are required to actively promote fundamental British values, in an age-appropriate ways. Fundamental British values, as set out in the Government’s 2011 Prevent strategy, include democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. We feel as though these requirements are embedded throughout our routines at First Steps and through the educational program of the EYFS, and in particular Personal, Social & Emotional (PSED) and Understanding the World (UW)
At First Steps Day Care we promote British values in these ways:
Rule of law
We have routine and structures in place that promote fairness. We set, explain and maintain clear, reasonable and consistent limits that are age/stage appropriate so that children can feel safe and secure in their play and other activities. We share information with parents verbally to create consistency between home and setting so that children learn about boundaries. We also send home a 'my day at nursery' sheet to inform the parents what their child has been doing through out the day, what they have done well, what they slept and ate etc. We ensure all of our staff understand what it means to be a good role-model. We share policies and practice with parents, we share our policy of the month on our newsletters as well as having the file of our policies and procedures at hand for our parents to view at any time. We also explore themes such as 'People who help us' which help children to learn about the role of the emergency services in our society.
Mutual respect
Children are spoken to respectfully and treated with kindness and understanding at all times. Good manners are encouraged from an early age. Children learn how to take turns, share and wait in respectful ways. We teach empathy and understanding. Negative attitudes and stereotypical views are gently challenged and corrected, children are given opportunities to explore, understand and value differences and similarities. We provide positive images of all children including those with diverse physical characteristics, including disabilities.
We give our children choices in their daily activities and routines. We provide activities that involve turn-taking and sharing, and explore their ideas about friends and friendship. Children are taught to respect the wishes and feelings of others. we promote cooperation between children by planning activities that require collaboration.
Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs
Children are taught about modern Britain through age appropriate activities and experiences; we celebrate and value cultural, religious and local community events. We use resources from a wide variety of sources to help children understand a range of faiths, cultures, and countries to teach respect for the views and beliefs of others. We share stories that reflect the diversity of children’s experiences. We provide activities and opportunities for children to share experiences and knowledge from different parts of their lives with each other.
Individual liberty
We ensure children are able to make active choices and express preferences. We teach respect for resources, equipment and other peoples' property. We promote independence skills in all areas as well as encouraging children to pour their own drinks, cut up their own food, put on their coats and shoes etc. We do this with support but do try and encourage independence as much as possible, we also promote shared responsibility for the upkeep of the setting, and an awareness of the safety and well-being of others.
Below is a list of all of our policies which are available for parents to view at all times. Also copies can be made when requested.
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
1.The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
2.Safeguarding Children
3.Intimate Care
4.Safe Care and Practice
6.Camera, Mobile Phone and Recording Device
7.Use Mobile Phone and Social Networking
8.Inclusion and Equality
9.Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Disabilities
10.Looked after Children
11.Dealing with Discriminatory Behaviour
12.Health and Safety – General Policy
13.Sickness and Illness
14.Infection Control
16.Promoting Positive Behaviour
18.Overall Approach to Risk Assessment
19.Complaints and Compliments
Health & Safety
20.Health and Safety in the Office
21.Fire Safety
22.Safety Checks
23.Manual Handling
24.Healthy Workplace
25.Animal Health and Safety
26.Sustainable Practice
27.Visits and Outings
28.Lost Child Procedure from Nursery
29.Lost Child Procedure from Outings
30.No Smoking Policy
31.Alcohol and Substance Misuse
32.Equipment and Resources
33.Critical Incident
34.Adverse Weather
35.Supervision of Children
36.Supervision of Visitors
Human Resources
38.Staff Development and Training
41.Special Consideration for Employees
42.Safe Recruitment of Staff
43.Suitability of Staff
44.Staff Working with their own Children/Close Relation
47.Absence Management Procedure
48.Grievance Procedure
49.Disciplinary Procedure
Best Practice
50.Accidents and First Aid
52.Allergies and Allergic Reactions
53.Sun Care
54.Early Learning Opportunities Statement
55.Settling In
57.Separated Family
58.Nappy Changing
59.Outdoor Play
60.Caring for Babies and Toddlers
61.Use of Dummies in Nursery
64.Nutrition and Mealtimes
65.Parents and Carers as Partners
66.Conflict Resolution with Parents who may be challenging
67.Access and Storage of information
68.Late Collection and Non-Collection
70.Arrivals and Departures
71.Nursery Operational Plan
New Policies
72. Terrorist Attack/National Emergency Policy
73. Promoting British Values in the Setting